Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween :)

Hi family and friends and Happy Halloween!!!!  

Well another week has gone by and it was a good week.  On Wednesday I went on triad offs with one of the zone leaders.  We went personal contacting on a college campus. College kids are way more willing to stop and talk then most adults, I think I talked to more people on campus than I have in Bay City.  It was Central Michigan University.  It was way big.  It is a lot bigger than the University in Utah that is for sure.  Central is one of the smaller universities here.  

Well it is getting colder almost every day and not looking forward to the snow that is for sure.  My comp is from Mississippi and he doesn't know how to dress for the cold.  We have been on bikes this week and I love riding bikes, I got a bike from one of the members here.  It is an old Schwinn road bike that is awesome!!   I didn't run into any crazy people this week so no fun stories sorry.  

Well we had 3 investigators come to church with us yesterday.  It was kind of stressful. After church we had a way big pot luck and there was a lot of people there which was good, food always bring people to church.  After the pot luck we had a mini mission fireside to get the ward to be more missionary minded.  That was is about it Love you all 
 Love Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, October 24, 2011

Investigators and Halloween

Dear Family and Friends,

Well another week has past and it is almost Halloween!! So this week was kind of slow because my comp had to get an ingrown toe nail removed so we were at the apartment a lot.  Wow missionary apt are so boring!  They make it so the only you can do is work.  We had a really good lesson with one of are investigators and we almost got her to come to church with us but her aunt died and the funeral was at the same time maybe next week.  

We went and did service at a non- members house and wow!!  It was a house that was built in 1970 and has been abandoned for about 25 years.  The floor has rotted out so we helped pull out some of the floor and removed a cast iron bath tub.  Dang that was heavy.  We are going over again tomorrow.  We are making progress with him.  Before he really didn't want anything to do with us but after spending the whole day with him, he wanted us to come back.  He even came to the ward Halloween party on Saturday.  

The ward had a great Halloween party.  It was very very well decorated.  It was at one of the member’s house.  They had a hay ride that looked like just a trailer but the member took the frame of a van.  It was way cool.  I have never seen anything like that before. At the party we had close to 150 there.  

We went to the big rival high school football game on Friday where we had 5 of the youth from both teams.  None of them were playing football but they were in the band and cheering.  That is about it.  Love you all.

 -Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, October 17, 2011

Love for the Book of Mormon

What up Family and Friends!!  

How is it going?  I hope everything is going okay because I am doing great!!!  Another week down on Wednesday and I will have been out in the field for a month!!!  So we had a fun and exciting week.  The gentleman that was in the hospital came home on Wednesday and is doing great.  I went on my first exchange with the district leader and that was fun.  I went down to Saginaw.  It is a lot more ghetto there than it is in Bay City.  I'm not being racist but I have never seen so many black people in my life, just saying.  

I ran into another crazy guy this week.  Wow! I think he is on the top of my list of crazy people that I have met!!  He has a Masters in psychology and religion so he thought he knew everything.  He was tearing our church apart and it was funny because he didn't know anything about our church.  He also told us that we were wasting our time.  So after that we were kind of upset.  We open our scriptures to a random spot and read the first thing we saw and it was talking about some of the missionaries in the BOM and how after being rejected and spited upon and all other thing that the lord comforted them and they kept going.  I have truly learned to love the BOM now!!.  

Friday our lessons fell through that night and we can't door knock after dark so we went to the football game.  It was their home coming game.  That was fun.  It would have been nice to see a team that wins, but they are not very good here.  I am just saying they can't pass or catch the ball.  It is all running.  But anyways that was fun to go to a football game.  At church yesterday we only had a total of 55 people there.  One of the families was gone and their family is like a 4th of the ward.  That is about it, thanks for all the emails.

 Love you all
-Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, October 10, 2011

Scary and Funny Moments

Family and Friends,

Well another week went by.  The weeks are going faster now so it doesn't feel so long, thank goodness.  Well not to much happened this week.  One of the older men in the ward that we go and check on and talk to is Brother Brissette.  He is the nicest and coolest person.  He has taken us in and treats us like we are his grandkids.  We went to go visit him Wednesday morning and we found him in a diabetic coma.  It scared me and my comp.  We had to call 911 and get him some help.  His blood sugar was 25!!  It was crazy!!  He is in the hospital still and is hoping to come home tomorrow.  That was kind of hard on me but I'm great now.  We have been teaching a lot of different less active members in the ward and trying to help them get back to church.  We have been helping two of the young men to quit smoking and getting them back to church.  I am so glad I never got into that, especially seeing how hard it is to quit.  We started this quit smoking program with them on Saturday and it promises you to be smoke free in a week.  It doesn't seem too hard to me but I'm not a smoker haha.  
I had my first lesson this week that I taught. It went pretty well.  It was on prayer.  The lesson was ones that I had my first lesson in the mission with, so they have come along ways.  On Saturday we were at a flee market here trying to talk to some people.  We went to a restaurants right next to it and I got asked out on a date, it was super awkward but funny.  We told that to Brother Brissette and he teases me all the time now.  I went to my first fast and testimony meeting yesterday and it was kind of different.  I'm not in Utah that is for sure haha.  Well that is about it.  Love you all 

Love Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, October 3, 2011

General Conference and the Crazy Lady!

Hi Family and Friends,

Well another week is done.  I hit my one month mark yesterday. Crazy!  I only have 23 more to go.  This week had its good and bad, just like any other week.  We got a lot of work done on Monday and Tuesday, and then it all went down from there.  We had all of our lessons cancel on us Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, so we did a lot of different things.   I knocked my first couple of doors. Wow that was scary.  It was at a scary trailer park and nobody wanted anything to do with us.  But that's OK that is their loss. Well my area is pretty ghetto no joke.   On Tuesday we got a call from one of the members saying one of their friends just got hit in the head with a 2 by 4 with a nail in it.  The friend had just gotten.  She was not a member and said she has never felt the spirit like that before and wanted us to come over and meet her again.  So I got to give another blessing this week.  I am getting better at that and more comfortable with it.  Michigan got hit with the recession hard and a lot of people don't have jobs.  There are a lot of different people coming back to church so the church will help them.  It is sad that the only reason they will come back is because of money.  Oh well what you can do.  
We watched general conference at the church on Saturday and Sunday.  WOW is general conference always that good? Because I got so much out of it this time.  After Elder Holland’s talk, I am so glad I am on my mission because if I wasn't I would feel like a looser.  I missed being home for conference but I got to know the members in the branch a lot better.  The members here are great and so nice.  

Oh I almost forgot we went to the high school football game to support some of the young men.  One of the young men brought us to the front row, that way weird.  I will put it this way, Utah is very very different.  My favorite thing was that they had a cheer that was BS.  That would never happen in Utah that is for sure.  It made me feel like I was in the world again and I got to talk to a lot of different people.  Not very many people here have ever heard of Mormons so that is different.  

         My Favorite part of this week was yesterday!!  We went door knocking after conference and it was my turn so I knocked and a crazy lady came out.  Wow she told us that if we were to come in she would convert us and that she spoke it the gift of tongues.  Then she got crazier by bashing on Joseph Smith that he was a false prophet.  Then she singled me out and said something that I looked interested and that I should pray last night and asked something but I don't remember but it was something about Joseph Smith.  She was a very creepy lady and the spirit that she said was in her was not the Holy Ghost that was for sure.   Well that is about it.

 Love you all and miss you.