Monday, December 17, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!  
So I won't be able to email next Monday because it will be Christmas Eve so I thought I would tell you all today.  Things are going great here and things are going forth.  We are having a baptism this Friday and I am so excited.  It is Celeste, the one I talked about a couple of weeks ago that was a miracle. There are going to be a lot of different missionaries there that has taught her over the years.  There are going to be 12 missionaries counting there comps.  It is going to be a big party ha-ha.  I get to talk on the Holy Ghost; this will be my first time talking on the Holy Ghost at a baptism.  I have talked on Baptism but not the Holy Ghost.
We had another Miracle this week.  We went to a return apt that we had, and the guy has had a way rough and interesting life so he is a way humble guy and wants to be baptized and really likes us and our message.  We set a baptism date for him for February.   Well not too much else happened this week.  Love you all and hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!  
 Elder Robson Fletcher   

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week of Parties

Dear Family and Friends 
  Well any ways happy Monday everyone, this past week was great.  It was full of Christmas Parties!!!!! On Tuesday and Wednesday we got to go to Grand Rapids for training and a Christmas party. It was way fun.  I realized at the Christmas party that it was my last Christmas party and Christmas as a missionary. I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner but go figure, it is me haha.  

Then on Friday we had our branch Christmas party.  All of last week we focused on getting our investigators and as many Less Actives there as we could and I would say that it was a success.  Not too much has happened this week besides parties.
Oh yesterday I got to teach priesthood again which it went pretty well. I am sending pictures of the Christmas parties. Oh and one more thing we had a Birthday party for my comp and one of our investigators and recent converts; all three of their Birthdays were on Thursday.  Like I said it was just a party week haha. Love you all!

Love Elder Robson Fletcher  

(Elder Fletcher sent pictures, but I can't them to download.  I will put them up next week!)    

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Spirit Works Miracles

Dear Family and Friends!!!

Well we had another great week here in Charlotte.  We had an amazing experience this past week. We have investigator named Celeste that has a son on a mission in Guatemala.  He is the only member in his family. The missionaries have been teaching her for about two years now. So when I first got here she didn't even believe in God.  She just thought god was love. But she believed in Jesus Christ whole heartedly. The first lesson with her we focused on how Christ prayed in the New Testament.  Well I will just tell you that it really didn't work.

So the next week Elder Adams and I were weekly planning and trying to decide what we could teach her next.  My comp said that we should drop her because she wasn't going anywhere. We decided to pray specifically what we should teach her. We got the answer to focus on Joseph Smith. The next lesson we focused of Joseph Smith. During the lesson she had to leave to help her daughters with some Finnish customs.  Her two girls were going to some convention the next day. At the end of the lesson she told us that she probably would never get baptized. So I didn't think the lesson went to well but I decided to ask her to read the Joseph Smith History and then I told her that I had the movie Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration that my aunt gave me and I would let her borrow it. Well to make really long story shorter. She said that she got her answer while reading Joseph Smith History.  She knew that he was and is a Prophet, that he did see God and that there is a God.

On Wednesday she asked when she can be baptized. She is now going to get baptized on December 21st.  The better news is that her son that is on a mission is going to be getting married next December 28th 2013.  She will be a member for a year and can go to the temple with them if she is ready. It has been an answer to so many prayers here. It has been amazing how the spirit works because he turned what we thought a bad lesson was into what Celeste needed so that she desired to be baptized. Well I love you all and will talk to you next week. Hope you all are having a great Christmas season.


 Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Baptism

Dear Family and Friends!!

Well I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!!!! We had a great Thanksgiving here in Charlotte!!! We went my favorite members’ in the branch house pretty much all day. It was great that our mission president let us watch football! It was great. It was so dumb that the Lions lost; they had so many chances to win!!! Well anyways, we also played a lot of games. I found out that they have a ping pong table and I was in heaven!!! That was the first time that I have got to place since being leaving on my mission.  My favorite members just got better that day!! Ha-ha

So this week was a little crazy; I got a phone call on Monday night saying that Deanna, Kristy daughter still wanted to get baptized even though her mom wasn't ready. So I made probably 20 phone calls trying to see if it was possible. There were so many miracles that happened. We don't have a baptism font so we had to call another church to see if we could reserve it and it only took us 10 min this time. Last time it took us 2 weeks. So long story short Deanna was baptized on Friday!! It was so cool, I even got to give a talk on Baptism and my last comp got to come down for it so he was there too. And we might be having 3 more baptisms coming up so it is going great. Well I better get going Love you all and have a great week!!

Love Elder Robson Fletcher

Ps First picture is Elder Adams, Deanna and I.  Second is me and Elder Eggertsen my new comp and third is Deanna and her family

Random Fun...


Monday, November 19, 2012

Elder Fletcher, the Trainer

Dear Family and Friends!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! I can't believe that it is already Thanksgiving time, it just seems like we just had Halloween. I am way excited for this time of year!! We are going to probably the home of one of my favorite members in the Branch for Thanksgiving.

So this week was a little different that I have ever had before. Monday night I went to Lansing and dropped of Elder Adams and I got another missionary named Elder Manning. Elder Manning and I are both training so we were together for Tuesday and Wednesday. He is so awesome! It was going to be the third time he trained and he was not excited about it. Then on Thursday we got our new comps. Oh before we got our new companions all the trainers met together for I guess you would call it our training meeting. They threw down on us hard about being good trainers. They said if you are a bad trainer that it could take six months for the new missionary to recover. So it was pretty funny.

So my new comp is Elder Eggertsen from West Jordan, Utah. We are the only two in the mission from West Jordan so that is kind of cool. Everyone has been asking us if we knew each other, but we went to different high schools. So it has been of a rough adjustment for him. I at least know what kind of adjustment he is going through because I know where we come from.

On Friday we had a lesson with a return apt that we had from earlier in the week and it was a shock for him. They were nice people but they were a little rough around the edges I guess you could say. Oh I almost forgot, so on Saturday when we were out finding, some drunken lady talked to us for like half an hour and it was so funny. Well that is about it Love you all and talk to you next week!!!


Elder Robson Fletcher

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Companion and Staying in Charlotte

Dear Family and Friends!!

So it sounds like you all had a fun weekend with all the snow. I am glad that I wasn't home for that. The weather has been okay here.  It did get cold today. Sunday was way nice and then it got cold, but no snow yet.

All is good for me no complaints. My comp got transferred last night. I don't get my new comp till Thursday because I will be training.  I am just waiting with another missionary until we both get are new comps. We have to wait till Thursday because they won't get to Michigan until tomorrow.

Oh yeah the library was closed yesterday.  I was kind of sad but it is all good now. I don't have too much new stuff to talk about. I actually can’t remember much of what happened. It is all just blending together.

Oh yeah I forgot my companion’s bike got stole last week so we have been walking everywhere.  It was kind of funny because we were talking about why no one would steal his bike because it didn't work to well.

I can't believe that it is almost Thanksgiving!!!! Time is going by so fast I really can't believe it. I really can't wait for Christmas though.  I am going to be in Charlotte for Christmas so I am excited about that.

Oh before I forget, I just found out that because of the MTC time for the new missionaries got shortened by a week, that means our missions will be shortened a week too. So I will be home a week earlier than I thought. Well that is all about it. Love you all till next week.


Elder Robson Fletcher

PS I realized that I sent the wrong zip code so my address is:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Great Investigators and Mind Blowing Talk!

Dear Family and Friends,

Let me see what happened this week, I can't believe that it is Monday already.  Time is going by so fast. So Tuesday my comp got sick so we weren't able to do much.  There is something going around and I haven't got it yet.  I am praying that I don't. I haven't gotten sick in over a year and I hope that it stays that way.

I hope you all had a great Halloween!! Oh Halloween we went and helped an inactive member put up his Halloween decorations.  We couldn't be out working past 5 so we got to spend the rest of the night out with one of the families in the Branch. We had dinner and played games.

So we pushed back Kristy and Danna's baptism back a little bit so they could get all of their family there. They are both doing awesome. We had a cool experience yesterday before church.

One of the former investigators called us and asked us if she could get a ride to church yesterday. We got her a ride and she came to church.  Long story short she said she wanted to get baptized so we are going over on Thursday to talk about a date for her to work towards. We have really been blessed here.

We had Zone Conference on Saturday that was amazing.  Here is a talk that I guess that you could say blew my mind you should check it out. It talks about the symbolism of the Good Samaritan. Oh yeah before I forget, we have transfer calls on Friday so I will find out if I get a new comp next week. Well Love you all!!!! Thanks for all the prayers.

Love, Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, October 29, 2012

Taco Bell, Southern Food, and Ice Cream...Yum!

Dear Family and Friends,

Well another great week has past by in Charlotte. Well on Tuesday I got to go to Jackson again on splits and that was fun. I got to go to Taco Bell!!! Man I love Taco Bell, really can’t tell you why but I do.

Anyways, not a whole lot is new here we are still teaching Kristy and her daughter and she is doing great. We taught the Word of Wisdom with her on Friday and she gave us the rest of her cigarettes and is working on quitting. Oh yeah me and Elder Adams took pictures of us throwing away the Cigarettes, it was pretty funny. I will have to send you the pictures.

OH my favorite part of the week was we went to an engagement party for one of the member’s grandson, and they served southern food.  That was the first time I have had that before. The other side of the family belongs to some southern Baptist church and they were singing some song. Man did they know how to sing. Oh yeah and the other picture I am sending is at Mooville it is an ice cream shop and a dairy farm. It is the best Ice cream in Michigan. So I am having problems getting my camera to work on this computer so I will have to send you the pictures next week. Love you all and Happy Halloween!!!

Love Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, October 22, 2012

Minivan Missionary

Dear Family and Friends,

Well not a whole lot has changed since last week. So last P-day we went out golfing with two of the less actives in the branch and that was a lot of fun. That was my first time golfing, the only bad thing was that it was a little cold.

On Tuesday we had a way awesome lesson with Kristy and her daughter, they both are awesome. They both are going to get baptized on the 10th next month and we are excited.

On Wednesday we had a pretty cool lesson with a lady named Heather.  It was interesting because we were teaching about faith and she said that she didn't know if there is a God.  We challenged her to pray to know that he is there. So we are going to follow up on that this week.

So now we are driving a minivan and it is pretty funny. I never thought I would be driving one. It is not my favorite. There are only 3 in the whole mission and I got stuck with one. Oh well it is a lot better than walking so I am not going to complain too much ha ha. So I am actually getting kicked off of the computer right now.  Love you all talk to you next week. All is well here so don't worry.

Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, October 15, 2012

Great New Area

Dear Family and Friends!!!!

Well I had another great week!! This week I got to go on splits to another area in the district.  I got to go to Jackson. Jackson is sweet and is a pretty big city. So on Wednesday we got put on car rotation so we didn't have the car most of the week so that was a little different. My comp Elder Adams has never been without a car so he has been freaking out a little bit. He kept saying that he has to learn how to plan all over again because if an apt falls through he can’t just drive to the other side of town.

So we have an Awesome Investigator named Kristi and she has been progressing really fast. Last week we set a date with her for November 10.  We are going to see where that goes.

We ran into the Saint Church of Christ’s Bishop this week at the hospital.   We talked to him for a good 30 minutes and learned a lot about the split off groups that happened during the Nauvoo time. He was actually a descendant of Brigham Young. He invited us back to church so we are going to try to go again soon.

So it was kind of weird.  I taught Elders quorum yesterday.  It was my first week of church here.  I didn't know anyone and kept forgetting their names, but I felt like the lesson went well. Oh it was funny so I had to make my comp breakfast on Friday because I lost a game of Go Fish. He was telling everyone about it. Well that is pretty much my week. I will talk to you all next week.

Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, October 8, 2012

New Missionary Age will Help the Mission

Hey Everyone!! 

Well I am now in Charlotte and it is awesome here I love it.  I am already in the swing of things and having fun.  So my new comp is Elder Adams and he is awesome and we are having so much fun.  He is from Spanish Fork and has only been out 3 months but is already a great missionary. It is going to be an awesome transfer together. So I didn't get to meet most of the branch this Sunday because of General Conference but the people I have met are really cool and really made me feel welcomed. 

So everyone asked me what I thought about the age change for missionaries and I was so shocked!!!  At first when President Monson started talking I thought maybe we were getting called home ha-ha J/K, that would have been even crazier.  My mission president said that it will help our mission out a lot and in the next year we will be getting a lot of new missionaries especially more sister missionaries. 

It is kind of crazy so my trainer is now my Zone Leader here and it was funny we were talking about the good old days ha-ha. OH I almost forgot so yesterday before conference we went to a different church.  It was called the Saint Church of Christ.  It is a break off group from the RLDS church and it was interesting to go to.  It was very similar but the only thing is they don't have any authority.  They were asking us a lot of questions and wanted a copy of our Doctrine and Covenants.  They wanted help getting a bishop store house going because they know it talks about it in D&C.  They were such nice people and they welcomed us back anytime.  We are hoping to go back soon.  The only problem is that our Churches are at the same time.   I really don't know what else to say this week because I am new to Charlotte and don't really know too much of what is going on. Well Love you all till next week!!! 

Love, Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, October 1, 2012

Transfers Tomorrow!

Dear Family and Friends!!!

Well it was my last week in Kalkaska so that is sad. I am getting transferred to Charlotte, MI. I am actually pretty excited about that because the comp I have now, Elder Lee, was trained there and loved it.  So it should be fun.

Oh we had an awesome week! We had a lesson with one of our investigators named Sandy. She is awesome. We talked about faith because last week when she came to church one of speakers talked on it.  She kind of didn't understand the principle so we went over that with her.  We really focused on The Book of Mormon. She really wants know for herself if it is true or not.  That was great.  

We started teaching a part member family this week that is very interested. The husband has been inactive for about 17 years and wants to get his kids baptized. It is going to be kind of sad that I won’t be here to teach them anymore.

 Oh so this week we got some Ghost Peppers (a chili pepper previously recognized by Guinness World Records as the hottest pepper in the world) from a guy that we ran into (he also is the one that grew the giant pumpkin that I am standing next to). So that is not the smartest thing I have ever done haha. I took a video of it but it was too big to send on the e-mail. So the first picture is with Sister Wysoki (one of my favorite people), second if of Torch lake, 3rd is me and a 1200 lb pumpkin, 4th is me at Elk Lake, 5th is Elder Lee me and Brother Chowhan, one of the coolest guys you would ever meet, Last one is Rachel, Spencer, me, and Bro Kreger. Well that is about it I will write you next week when I am in Charlotte!! Oh my new address will be:

 328 Brackett St
Charlotte MI, 28813

Well Love you all and talk to you soon

Elder Robson Fletcher!!!!!
 (Some of the pictures didn't load....sorry!)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Another Week in Kalkaska

Hey Everyone!!!

Well another week has gone by in Kalkaska, not too much has changed here. I got to go on splits this week and I got to go to another area. It was so nice to get out of Kalkaska. That was the first time that I got to leave Kalkaska for a day for two and half months. It was kind of fun, I felt like I was on vacation.  I didn't have any worries. We got to teach a Scatter dude that was so funny.
Wednesday we got to go to our district missionary fireside and our branch leaders were there. It was kind of crazy because the district leaders chastised the members for not doing their part.  They haven't been doing really anything to help us.  He chastised us for not using the members. It kind of woke everyone up.
Last week we had a first Correlation with other members from the branch leaders. We got to talk a lot about the less actives in the branch. Oh then yesterday it was also crazy. One of the members got up in Priesthood opening exercise and got mad at the branch because we weren't getting fed and went and asked every member to feed us. So now we have a meal almost every day this week so I am excited.
It was kind of sad this week we had to drop one of our investigators because he got into a lot of anti-Mormon literature and couldn't get past it. You can see how hard Satan is working as well.
Well it is the last week of the transfer and will be getting transfer calls on Friday so we will have to see what that brings. Well Love you all and miss you all.
Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, September 17, 2012

Mission Training

Hey Everyone!

Well another week has gone by. This week was awesome!!! Elder Gregory A. Schwitzer of the 70 came to are mission last Tuesday and gave some training. He talked about the 7 foundations of the Gospel that we need to know and what our investigators need to know. It was great!! Then we had about half an hour to ask him questions about Gospel topic and I couldn't believe how well he knows the scriptures.  

On Tuesday I got to go on splits with my district leader and that was fun. His name is Elder Bullered and his is way funny. He goes home in about two weeks and he does not want to go home.

We got a new branch mission leader.  It is crazy that he is actually leaving to go on his mission in November. He is a lot more prepared to go on a mission than I was that is for sure. Ha-ha. It is great.

We had one of our new investigators come to church yesterday and it was awesome. We went back up to Elk Rapids this week to do some finding and it is so pretty there. It is hard to get the motivation to do finding. I just want to watch the boats. J You Guys should Google it to see what it looks like. Well Love you all.


Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, September 10, 2012

Power of the Spirit

Hey Everyone!

Good morning!!!! Well I had another good week! So this week we had a lot of success.  On Monday we had an awesome lesson with one of our investigators named Kenny. He is so funny, he makes me laugh. We went over the restoration a little more with him and then we went back over with him on Friday and had a 2 and half hour lesson with him. It was kind of crazy because he got on to an Anti-Mormon view point and asked a lot of questions. I can say that the spirit was very strong with us because I don't think that I could answer those questions again.

Oh we found a new investigator this week named Pat. It is cool how we found him. So a couple weeks back at our building open house we had a lady come that said we could come see her and teach her. So about a week and half ago we went over to where we thought she lived but we weren't positive so we asked a guy out in front of the complex.  We asked him if he knew Margie and he said yes and told us where she lived. He asked us if we were Mormons and we said yes.  He told us that he was a Mormon but he couldn't quit smoking. We set up an apt with him for Wednesday. On Wednesday we found out that he met with missionaries a long time ago and almost got baptized but couldn't quit smoking. It is kind of sad because he is an older guy and he said that he has really bad Cancer and the Doctor only gave him 3 months to live. It is way sad but he really wants to learn more so we are going to go back over this week.  

Margaret is still doing awesome and coming to church, right now she is praying about either moving out of her boyfriend’s house or to ask him about getting married. So we just have been praying for her like crazy haha.

Oh this week we went down to a Meeting with our District president (so our stake president but we are a district here) about Missionary work and working with members. All of our branch councils were there and it was amazing. He really got on to all of the members about being member missionaries. Oh I almost forgot!! So tomorrow we are having a meeting with our whole mission and a member of the 70 is coming. Sorry I don't remember what his name is but I am way excited about that. Well I better be going, I am going roller skating. Love you all.


Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day!

Hey Everyone!
Happy Labor Day!!! Well this last week went by really fast. I can't believe that it is Monday again!! We were pretty busy and had lots of success this week. We picked up a way sweet investigator this past week named Kenny. Kenny is 24 and just got back from Iraq a couple of months ago.  He is really interested in different religions. We actually met with him three times last week and we are going to go meet with him again in about an hour. One of the lessons we had with him was two and half hours of him just mostly asking questions. He was going to go to church yesterday but was going to his brother birthday party instead.
We started teaching a Jehovah Witness this week too. Man every Jehovah Witness I have ran into have always asked me what God’s real name is and why we don't call him by his real name. It is so funny that they get so caught up with that.  They miss the bigger picture. Sadie is her name and she is awesome!! She just makes me laugh.
So I hit my year mark on Friday and we had a party at a less actives house that is awesome!!!! She doesn't believe in God but she loves the missionaries and feeds us quite often. We had root beer floats and we played a little golf in her backyard.
On Saturday we went door knocking at one of the lakes here and man nobody wants to talk when it is a holiday weekend!  I kind of don't blame them though. If I were them I probably would do the same thing ha ha. Well till next week. I love you all!!!!!
Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, August 27, 2012

Power of the Restoration

Hey Everyone!!!

Well it is Monday again and it is time for another email. Well this week went by really fast. Last Monday I got to go to Traver City for my first time.  One of the members took us there for FHE. Oh man it is so pretty there!!! I hope I get to serve there. They took us out to eat then we got to walk along the beach. It was Elder Sugars going away party.

On Tuesday was transfers and I picked up Elder Lee. Elder Lee is from Richfield, Utah. He is my first comp from Utah.  That is kind of weird because half of the missionaries are from Utah. Elder Lee has been out for about 6 months now and he is a funny kid.

So we had an amazing Lesson with Margaret and she is awesome! We watched the movie Joseph Smith Prophet of the Restoration.  Aunt Barbra sent me. Everyone was in tears because it was so powerful and the spirit was so strong. She said that she knows that Christ Church has been restored and that Joseph Smith is a Prophet. She wants to get baptized so bad.  Shhe is scared to talk to her boyfriend about getting married because he is against it. We are praying that she will be able to talk to him.

Nothing else to big this week happened. We met some sweet people this week during finding. We got a few return apt this week and hope that they are still interested. Well Love you all and take care.  Talk to you next week.  


 Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, August 20, 2012

Church Building Dedication

Hey everyone,

Well I had another great week full of amazing happenings. This week was the church open house and the dedication. It was a very exciting week for the branch. They have been waiting for a building for about six years. They first started meeting in a classroom at the elementary school.  Then they moved to an old restaurant. It was way exciting for them to finally have a dedicated church building.

The open house we had was awesome!!! We didn't have a great turn out but the people that did come really did feel the spirit.  All of them said that they loved the paintings that we have. I've never really thought about how beautiful our paintings are. We had some down time and so we would have gospel conversations in between and it was awesome. The members here are awesome!! I really got to know a lot of them this week because of the open house. At the open house on Saturday President and Sister Hess, the Assistants, and President and Sister Jones (they were the last mission president) attended. It was really good to talk with all of them.

Yesterday was the Dedication and it was powerful. We had amazing talks! President Jones and Sister Jones spoke then our branch president and our District President.  President Hess talked and dedicated the building. It was one of the most spiritual Sundays I have ever had. After the dedicatory prayer almost everyone was crying and everyone was feeling the spirit.

Oh yeah I almost forgot!! So we got transfer calls this week and Elder Sugar is leaving and my new comp is Elder Lee and I am way excited, I don't know much about him now but I will soon. I get to pick him up tomorrow morning. Well I better get going. Love you all!! Thanks for the support and all that you do.


Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, August 13, 2012

Looking Forward to the Church Building Dedication

Hey everyone!

 I hope you are all doing Awesome!!!! So I had a really good week. We spent a lot of time this week inviting people to our open house that is happening this week and just letting the public know that we are here. A lot of people were excited to come and see what it looks like inside. Nothing to big happened this week. Man it sucks when I get to the computer.  It seems like I forget what happened this week.

On Saturday we had Zone Conference and it was awesome. President Hess is amazing, he knows so much. Oh we got new phones at Zone Conference and now we can text!  It is exciting and will be very convenient.

So this week we have the open house one Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Then the Dedication is on Sunday. President Hess is going to be doing the dedication and the last mission President is going to be there too. It should be packed. Well I got to go. Love you all.

Elder Robson Fletcher

Stressful Baptism

Hey everyone!!!!

Well this week was a really good week. This week I got to go on splits with my District leader and it went really well. I learned a lot. On Thursday we had an awesome lesson with one of our new investigators named David. He is awesome!!! He
said that he met with missionaries 15 years ago and he wanted to meet with them again. He is progressing faster than any other investigator I have ever had. We introduced the quit smoking program and he was way excited for it. He has tried to quit before but everything he has tried hasn't worked out for him and he was way excited for the program that we have. He is also doing an online class thing on that has activities as you read the Book of Mormon. We have a baptism date for him and his daughter for next month.

Well this Saturday we had our baptism for Raechel. It was kind of stressful! On Saturday for the baptism, Raechel forgot some things and she had her boyfriend (the one that was doing the baptism) to go get her stuff.  She lives half an hour away from the church. Spencer didn't get there until 2 min before the baptism was supposed to start. After the baptism was all done we forgot to pull the plug for the font.  We had to get a stick with a hanger on it to get the plug pulled. Yesterday for her Confirmation Raechel was ten minutes late for church and she just barely walked in for that. It was a little stressful but we made it. Well got to go. Love you all.


Elder Robson Fletcher
This is Rachel's Baptism
Lake Michigan

Amish Area

Monday, July 30, 2012

Missionary Work is on the Move

Hey Everyone!!!!

Well I had another great week!! We are having a lot of success right now it is awesome. We are having a baptism this Saturday!!! It is the first baptism in the branch since December and the branch is way excited. Rachael is the one getting baptized. We started to teach her when I got here. We have a date with another investigator for September.

I got to have an Interview with my mission president on Thursday and it was really good. I love my mission president. We picked up 5 new investigators this week and that is the most I have ever had before. One of them met with missionaries 15 years ago and saw that we have a new church in town and wants to go.

Yesterday it was pretty fun we got invited to a gospel fest from somebody that we door knock into and now he said that he was going to go to our open house in three weeks.

Well I got to go. Love you all.  Sorry it was so short, I will write more next week.


Elder Robson Fletcher

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Awesome Referrals!

Happy Pioneer Day!

Well this week was actually amazing!!! I don't know if I told you or not because I e-mailed everyone last Wednesday, but we picked up a way awesome family.  They are friends with some members and they just asked them if they had a church they were going to.  The members invited the family to our church.

I got to go to Gaylor for splits and that was so fun.  The town had their big Swiss festival type thing and we got to help out with a pizza eating contest.  Oh man was that funny.

On Saturday we had a District picnic (oh it is so weird calling them branches and districts) in our area and we got to help out there.  Oh it surprised me when President and Sister Hess were there.

Yesterday was a good day.  We got a new Branch President and Presidency.  One of our investigators boyfriend came to church for the first time and he had been against the church.  Then we got a referral from and he is solid!  We are having a church tour with him on Tuesday.  I finally got to see Lake Michigan!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh man it is so pretty!!!!!  Well, love you all!!!!!!!!

Elder Robson Fletcher

P.S. I just remembered i forgot my camera at the apt, so I will have to send them to you next week.  Sorry!

Small Town

Hey Everyone!

How is it going?  So now I am in Kalkaska.  Last week we had a bad lightning storm and the internet towers got hit by lightning.  The internet just barely got up today.  Kalkaska is very beautiful and a lot of open space.  It is like being up in the mountains back home but flat. Haha.  The town is very small; it has about 2,200 people.  I was kind of in shock last week.  I though Coldwater was small until I came here.  There ins't even a Wal-Mart!  I don't know how I am going to survive. Haha!

The work here is actually gong really good.  The branch up here is great, very missionary minded.  They have been hooking us up with referrals.  We had a lesson with a family that one of the members referred us to and the lesson was great.  They will be at church this Sunday. 

We had another lesson with one of the member's girlfriend.  After teaching the Restoration, she wants to get baptized.  She has already read half of the Book of Mormon.  The branch just barely got a building.  They were meeting in an old pancake house.  There is going to be an open house for the community the middle of next month.  Well I have got to go.  Love you all!
Elder Robson Fletcher

Sunday, July 15, 2012

New Area!

Hey everyone Happy Monday!!!!  I hope everyone had a great 4th of
July!!!!  I had a really good birthday.  Oh thanks to everyone that
sent me stuff I really appreciate it.  We calibrated my birthday last
Monday.  We went to Shipshewana Indiana, which is a Amish city in the
Sturgis area.  We went to the Blue Gate Restaurant and it was
amazing!!!!  It is the best food I have had in a really long time.
Man Amish really know how to make food.  Well the other big news for
me is that I am being transferred and I am actually leaving today.  I
am going to Kalkaska and my new comp is Elder Sugar.  I really don't
know anything about him except that Kalkaska is his first area.  Well
I got to go Love you all talk to you next week.  Love Elder Robson

P.s this is my new address if you want to write me!!!
318 S. Cedar St P.O. Box 912
 Kalkaska Michigan 49646

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy 4th of July

Hey everyone Happy 4th of July!!!!!! 
Well I am almost 20 and it is kind of weird to think that in one more year I will be almost old enough to go home.  Well this week was really good.  On Tuesday we had a really good lesson with a Spanish family, we watched Finding Faith in Christ in Spanish and I got so lost.  It was a good thing that I have seen it a couple dozen times.  I had such a hard time staying awake.  I have a hard time watching movies in English without falling asleep but Spanish is a whole different story.  We also had a church tour with them on Friday and they were way excited, the only problem with them coming to church is that no one in the ward can speak Spanish except one person.
On Wednesday we went out with one of the members of the Sturgis ward and it was so much fun.  Brother Quake is in his 70 but moves around like he is 40.  He took us out to a way good Amish restaurant.  Man do they know how to make food! 
Thursday was a little crazy, Elder Brock and I went Battle Creek while Elder Blackhurst and the other Elder from Battle Creek went to Lansing for a training meeting.  Elder Brock and I went door knocking together while the other Elder from Battle Creek went on splits.  It was kind of funny door knocking in to people and them asking where our church was.  We had no idea where it was.  We had a great lesson with one of the people we knocked into. That is pretty much it for the week.  We had funny fast and testimony meeting yesterday.  It is crazy what some people say, I thought it was funny when one of my comps called it open mic night. Well Love you all and miss you. 
Love, Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, June 25, 2012

Three Missionaries, Two Areas, One Purpose

Happy Monday everyone I hope everyone is well and happy. Well this week was pretty good.  I had zone leader splits again. Elder Brock was with me and it was pretty fun. We had a lesson with an investigator named Liz and she is awesome.  She really wants to get baptized but can't right now because of her parents.  So she is waiting until she turns 18 in February.  She already has the day she wants to be baptized. 
The weather here has really started to get hot and I am not a fan.  It got up to 98 this week and with the humidity they said it felt like it was 110.  Yeah this kind of hot I have not experienced before.
Most of the week we were in Coldwater and we are in Sturgis right now.  It has been weird going to places with 3 missionaries.  It was crazy we went to the Sturgis ward yesterday and it is the first time on my mission I have been to church that was a normal size building.  The chapel had pews in it!!!  It almost felt like I was home except there still were only 70 people there.  Well that is about it love you all and talk to you guys later.
Elder Robson Fletcher