Monday, April 30, 2012

Awesome Baptism and Small World

Family and Friends,
Hey everyone how is it going?  This was a very eventful week and it just flew by.  I had splits with the Zone Leaders on Tuesday and it was kind of funny.  We were on bikes that day I got a flat tire.  The Zone Leader was pretty sick so not too much got done. 

Wednesday we had our baptism for Robyn and it went really well.  She was so happy and most of her family was there.  She is such an awesome lady!!  It is too bad that you can’t meet her. 

On Friday when we were door knocking and we ran into a sweet family.  They let us in and we are going to go back this Thursday.  Oh it was crazy. I found out that the new missionary in my district lives right by Cottonwood High school and knows Jane and Kim.  He just came out this last transfer.  He told me that Jane told him about my blog and he read it before he came out.  It is a way small world.  It is crazy that I am in his first district because there are only 4 in our district.  There are about 150 missionaries in our mission. 
It was way funny on Saturday there was a fundraiser for the women shelter called Walk a mile in her shoes.  One of the members in the ward that we are close to raised $500.  He had to dress like a girl and he was way funny about it.  Well that is about it for the week.  Love you all!!!!

Love, Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, April 23, 2012

Baptism this week and missionary moments

Good morning everyone where ever you might be.  Well this week was great, for the most part.  This week was way busy and it was great.  This week is going to be even busier.  On Wednesday we are going to have a baptism.  Robyn has quit smoking and she is way excited.  She met with missionaries 10 years ago and her big hang up back then about quitting smoking. She actually named one of her sons after one of the first missionaries that taught her.  Her husband is not quite ready yet but he will get there.  He is thinking more towards August.  The zone leaders are coming tomorrow for her baptism interview so I am going to be on splits with the zone leaders tomorrow.  I am staying in Coldwater.
We weren't able to go teach Brother Bennett this week something came up but we will get to go see him on Friday.  He still wants to meet with us, which is way exciting.  My second comp Elder Kohler went home on Wednesday.  It was sad but kind of exciting too. 
Oh I got some really sad news this past week about Brother Brissette, my grandpa in Bay City.  He went into a diabetic coma and hasn't come out of it.  They don't know if he will come out of the coma. 
Yesterday we went to see a less active lady that has just found out that she has cancer and is going to have to start chemo in the next couple of weeks.  I was able to help out her two boys that are about my age because I have gone through similar things with my family. They are hoping that they will be able to come to church next Sunday.  Well I love you all and have a great week!!!!! 
Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, April 16, 2012

Part Member Family

Family and Friends,
Well another week has gone by and it’s Monday!!!!  So things here are starting to pick up and we have more work to do.  On Tuesday we started to teach a part member family that is awesome!  We watched the movie Prophet of the Restoration and the husband kind of got a little mad about Joseph Smith and said that is all we talk about.  We kind of got past that and he is going to let us go on.  He has met with missionaries on and off the past ten years.  This is the first time that he has gotten past the first lesson. We told him the reason why all he has heard about is Joseph Smith is because he was never listened to any of the other lessons. 
It was kind of interesting this week that we had transfer calls on Wednesday instead of Friday.  The reason is because my mission president had to be somewhere else.  Transfers this time didn't affect me at all.  The other area in my district all got changed up.  My mission president is bringing in two new missionaries that are Spanish speaking.  That will be fun going on splits with them.
Saturday was probably one of my best days I have had in a long time.  Almost every door that we knocked on was home.  It was awesome!  We got in to 8 of the 10 apts.
Oh it was so funny yesterday in Elders quorum everyone that is in presidency was gone and they didn't get anyone to teach the lesson.  We have a baptism scheduled for the 25th but we don't know if it will happen for sure.  She is having a hard time trying to quit smoking. So I don't know.  Well I love you all, and take care!! 
Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, April 9, 2012

Changing a flat tire is a missionary's reactivation tool :)

Family and Friends,
Well another week has gone by. This week was pretty good except it was Spring Break here and nobody was home. Our top investigators went down to Florida for Spring Break so we didn't get to meet with them this week.
Oh this week is transfer calls. I might get a new comp but you never know. On Saturday we were walking back from an appointment and a lady wanted to us to help her with changing her tire.  Long story short is that she is a less active member.  We invited her to church and she came, it was sweet.  That was the first time in 8 years that she had been to church. We are going to go over there every week now to see if we can get her to be more active. There is a lot of less active work to be done here.
I had an awesome Easter and really felt the power Easter brings. Well I am going to run out of time on the computer so love you all.
 Elder Fletcher

Monday, April 2, 2012

General Conference Weekend

Family and Friends,
Well this week was great!!!!  We got to watch all of General Conference at the Church.  I really enjoyed it.  I think this is the first time that I didn't get bored watching it ha-ha. 
Well this week we did a lot of service, we helped a family move two days this week.  It was crazy we had to bring up a freezer from the basement all the way upstairs.  It took us half an hour to bring it up because we got it all the way up the stairs and it wouldn't fit through the door.  A couple of us were holding it and two others were trying to take off the door.  I thought i was going to die ha-ha!!!! 
On Tuesday we had interviews with President Hess, man I love him!  I think that is one of the reasons I am in Michigan.  After interviews I went to Sturgis on splits.  It was funny.  There are a lot of Amish there.  They make really good food.  We ate at one of their restaurants. 
We taught amazing lesson this week!!  The elders in the area that I went on splits to are teaching a Chinese guy that only speaks Chinese.  We taught him with an interpreter. It took 2 hours for the lesson and he is going to be baptized on the 11th.  We picked up one new investigator on Friday and he is awesome!!!  I am looking forward to teaching him tomorrow.  Well that is about it and I better go.  Love you all and have a great week!! 
Love, Elder Robson Fletcher