Monday, January 30, 2012

Big Snow Storm and Great Investigator!

Hey Everyone Happy Monday!!!!! 

So right now it is snowing like crazy!! This is the first really big snow storm this year because it has been very mild this year. 

So I got my new comp on Tuesday and his name is Elder Kohler.   He is from Idaho Falls.  He is awesome!!  This week was great we got a lot done and got to meet some cool people. 

Well yesterday I gave a talk and it went pretty well.  It was kind of funny because I talked longer than I should have, that was a first.  Church was great yesterday I learned so much. 

We went over to Anthony's yesterday after church and we focused on The Book of Mormon to try to help him receive an answer if it is true or not. He wants to be baptized but he didn't know if The Book of Mormon was true or not.  We gave him a chapter to read yesterday and he called us last night say that he read the chapter.  He said that he got his answer that the Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith is a prophet.  We are going to go over tomorrow and set a date with him.  That is the only exciting news other than that it is just the normal.  Talked to a lot of different people, door knocked. Love and miss you all!

Love, Elder Fletcher

Monday, January 23, 2012

New companion, splits and good ole missionary work :)

Family and Friends,

Hey how is everyone doing?  Happy Monday to all!!!  So this week was really good, we got a lot done.  Well transfer calls came and I didn't get transferred but I am getting a new companion.  My new comp is Elder Kholer.  He trained my trainer so that is going to be fun. Elder Kholer only has three more months left on his mission so this will probably be his last area before he goes home. Elder Ginn got transferred down to Jackson and he is going to be white washing.  What that is both of the Elders are new and don't know anything about the area.

This week we went to the hospital a lot.  We have a couple of members there and we got to go visit them and give them blessings.  It is amazing how great their attitudes are while they are going through so much.  On Wednesday I had splits and Elder Pack got to come to Bay City. Elder Pack is awesome! I love going on splits with him.  This is the third time I have gotten to go on splits with him. Yesterday we went to go pick up Anthony for church.  We buzzed in at his apt and called him but he didn't answer.  We just thought he didn't want to go to church.  Today I called him and told him that we missed him at church.  He said that they were working on the buzzer because someone broke the buzzer and his phone was out of minutes. We are going over tomorrow.  Well that is all the exciting news for the week.  Love you all!!! 

Love, Elder Fletcher

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Great New Invesitgator

Happy Monday everyone!!!!!

Well this week wasn't too exciting but it was a good week. Our investigator, Anthony has a baptism date set for January 28th, so that was exciting this week. He is pretty funny guy.  He asked some awesome questions in church that the teachers didn’t know how to answer. Last Sunday they were talking about even if you go to church you are not guaranteed to go to the celestial kingdom.  He asked them what is the point is to going to church. Then yesterday we were talking about the tree of life and he asked what happened to Lamen and Lemuel. Well anyways I thought it was funny.

On Thursday we went down to Lansing for a leadership training, all of the district leaders and their comp got to go.  The training was done by two guys that are in charge of the MTC.  They taught us and it was great.  I learned a lot. This Friday is transfers calls and my comp thinks he will get transferred because he has been here for 7 and a half months now, but he said that last time so you never know. I will let you all know next week if anything changes. 

Today has already been a great day!! This morning at 6 we went over to a member’s house and had breakfast with Donald before he went to school. Donald is one of the young men here that is awesome!! He goes teaching with us a lot and gives us rides when we need them. The young men are great in this ward!!!

Oh yeah and I finally got a hair cut by one of the sisters in the ward. Well I think that is about it.  Until next week!

 Love you all!

Love, Elder Fletcher

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bringing Souls to Christ

Family and Friends,

Well it is Monday again and you know how much I love Mondays!!!  Well this week was a pretty good week but not the best but that's okay it will be better this week.

We have a new investigator and he is awesome.  He knows the bible so well that it is kind of scary to teach him.  We were talking about baptism on Saturday and asked if he could get baptized the next day.  I have never had any one ask me that.  He came to church yesterday and really enjoyed it.  So tomorrow we are doing to set up a date that he can work towards. 

On Wednesday during lunch we ran into a less active family that we have been trying to get a hold of for about a month now.  We invited them to church and they came.  They invited us to dinner yesterday and had a great conversation.  We are going back on Friday.  It was crazy that we finally got to talk to them.  Well that is about it for the week and I need to go now love you all.

-Love Elder Fletcher

Monday, January 2, 2012

Best New Year's Eve Ever!

Hey Everyone,

 I hope you all had a great New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.  I had one of the best New Year's Eve that I will never forget.  Well this week was one of my best yet in the mission.

 It was funny I was in Saginaw for splits with an elder named Elder Coon.  We had been door knocking in the rain for 4 hours and I was cold.  I had just had it with everything, because the last couple of people just didn't want anything to do with us.  I told Elder Coon that I was done and I was going back to the car.  He told me, "Don't you remember that we prayed for a miracle?"  He said that we needed to go for a little more.  I said OK but I wasn't going to talk anymore though. We knocked on one or two doors and when the lady opened the door and she looked right at me so I started to talk.  She let us in and had amazing lesson with her.  She was so excited.  Before we could even show her The Book of Mormon she asked us if we had one and if she could have it.  Before we left we invited her to be baptized and she said yes. I was so glad that Elder Coon pushed me to go on because if I would of quit to see and we wouldn't have met that lady.
      Saturday, Steve was baptized by his friend from Detroit.  It was AWESOME!!!  It was kind of funny because we had to start 15 minutes late because we had to wait for some people that were helping out.  Yesterday, Steve was confirmed a member of the church and was able to receive the Holy Ghost.  It was a great experience.  Well, I love you all and miss all of you.

 Love Elder Fletcher