Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Baptism

Dear Family and Friends!!

Well I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!!!! We had a great Thanksgiving here in Charlotte!!! We went my favorite members’ in the branch house pretty much all day. It was great that our mission president let us watch football! It was great. It was so dumb that the Lions lost; they had so many chances to win!!! Well anyways, we also played a lot of games. I found out that they have a ping pong table and I was in heaven!!! That was the first time that I have got to place since being leaving on my mission.  My favorite members just got better that day!! Ha-ha

So this week was a little crazy; I got a phone call on Monday night saying that Deanna, Kristy daughter still wanted to get baptized even though her mom wasn't ready. So I made probably 20 phone calls trying to see if it was possible. There were so many miracles that happened. We don't have a baptism font so we had to call another church to see if we could reserve it and it only took us 10 min this time. Last time it took us 2 weeks. So long story short Deanna was baptized on Friday!! It was so cool, I even got to give a talk on Baptism and my last comp got to come down for it so he was there too. And we might be having 3 more baptisms coming up so it is going great. Well I better get going Love you all and have a great week!!

Love Elder Robson Fletcher

Ps First picture is Elder Adams, Deanna and I.  Second is me and Elder Eggertsen my new comp and third is Deanna and her family

Random Fun...


Monday, November 19, 2012

Elder Fletcher, the Trainer

Dear Family and Friends!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! I can't believe that it is already Thanksgiving time, it just seems like we just had Halloween. I am way excited for this time of year!! We are going to probably the home of one of my favorite members in the Branch for Thanksgiving.

So this week was a little different that I have ever had before. Monday night I went to Lansing and dropped of Elder Adams and I got another missionary named Elder Manning. Elder Manning and I are both training so we were together for Tuesday and Wednesday. He is so awesome! It was going to be the third time he trained and he was not excited about it. Then on Thursday we got our new comps. Oh before we got our new companions all the trainers met together for I guess you would call it our training meeting. They threw down on us hard about being good trainers. They said if you are a bad trainer that it could take six months for the new missionary to recover. So it was pretty funny.

So my new comp is Elder Eggertsen from West Jordan, Utah. We are the only two in the mission from West Jordan so that is kind of cool. Everyone has been asking us if we knew each other, but we went to different high schools. So it has been of a rough adjustment for him. I at least know what kind of adjustment he is going through because I know where we come from.

On Friday we had a lesson with a return apt that we had from earlier in the week and it was a shock for him. They were nice people but they were a little rough around the edges I guess you could say. Oh I almost forgot, so on Saturday when we were out finding, some drunken lady talked to us for like half an hour and it was so funny. Well that is about it Love you all and talk to you next week!!!


Elder Robson Fletcher

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Companion and Staying in Charlotte

Dear Family and Friends!!

So it sounds like you all had a fun weekend with all the snow. I am glad that I wasn't home for that. The weather has been okay here.  It did get cold today. Sunday was way nice and then it got cold, but no snow yet.

All is good for me no complaints. My comp got transferred last night. I don't get my new comp till Thursday because I will be training.  I am just waiting with another missionary until we both get are new comps. We have to wait till Thursday because they won't get to Michigan until tomorrow.

Oh yeah the library was closed yesterday.  I was kind of sad but it is all good now. I don't have too much new stuff to talk about. I actually can’t remember much of what happened. It is all just blending together.

Oh yeah I forgot my companion’s bike got stole last week so we have been walking everywhere.  It was kind of funny because we were talking about why no one would steal his bike because it didn't work to well.

I can't believe that it is almost Thanksgiving!!!! Time is going by so fast I really can't believe it. I really can't wait for Christmas though.  I am going to be in Charlotte for Christmas so I am excited about that.

Oh before I forget, I just found out that because of the MTC time for the new missionaries got shortened by a week, that means our missions will be shortened a week too. So I will be home a week earlier than I thought. Well that is all about it. Love you all till next week.


Elder Robson Fletcher

PS I realized that I sent the wrong zip code so my address is:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Great Investigators and Mind Blowing Talk!

Dear Family and Friends,

Let me see what happened this week, I can't believe that it is Monday already.  Time is going by so fast. So Tuesday my comp got sick so we weren't able to do much.  There is something going around and I haven't got it yet.  I am praying that I don't. I haven't gotten sick in over a year and I hope that it stays that way.

I hope you all had a great Halloween!! Oh Halloween we went and helped an inactive member put up his Halloween decorations.  We couldn't be out working past 5 so we got to spend the rest of the night out with one of the families in the Branch. We had dinner and played games.

So we pushed back Kristy and Danna's baptism back a little bit so they could get all of their family there. They are both doing awesome. We had a cool experience yesterday before church.

One of the former investigators called us and asked us if she could get a ride to church yesterday. We got her a ride and she came to church.  Long story short she said she wanted to get baptized so we are going over on Thursday to talk about a date for her to work towards. We have really been blessed here.

We had Zone Conference on Saturday that was amazing.  Here is a talk that I guess that you could say blew my mind you should check it out. It talks about the symbolism of the Good Samaritan. Oh yeah before I forget, we have transfer calls on Friday so I will find out if I get a new comp next week. Well Love you all!!!! Thanks for all the prayers.

Love, Elder Robson Fletcher