Monday, August 27, 2012

Power of the Restoration

Hey Everyone!!!

Well it is Monday again and it is time for another email. Well this week went by really fast. Last Monday I got to go to Traver City for my first time.  One of the members took us there for FHE. Oh man it is so pretty there!!! I hope I get to serve there. They took us out to eat then we got to walk along the beach. It was Elder Sugars going away party.

On Tuesday was transfers and I picked up Elder Lee. Elder Lee is from Richfield, Utah. He is my first comp from Utah.  That is kind of weird because half of the missionaries are from Utah. Elder Lee has been out for about 6 months now and he is a funny kid.

So we had an amazing Lesson with Margaret and she is awesome! We watched the movie Joseph Smith Prophet of the Restoration.  Aunt Barbra sent me. Everyone was in tears because it was so powerful and the spirit was so strong. She said that she knows that Christ Church has been restored and that Joseph Smith is a Prophet. She wants to get baptized so bad.  Shhe is scared to talk to her boyfriend about getting married because he is against it. We are praying that she will be able to talk to him.

Nothing else to big this week happened. We met some sweet people this week during finding. We got a few return apt this week and hope that they are still interested. Well Love you all and take care.  Talk to you next week.  


 Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, August 20, 2012

Church Building Dedication

Hey everyone,

Well I had another great week full of amazing happenings. This week was the church open house and the dedication. It was a very exciting week for the branch. They have been waiting for a building for about six years. They first started meeting in a classroom at the elementary school.  Then they moved to an old restaurant. It was way exciting for them to finally have a dedicated church building.

The open house we had was awesome!!! We didn't have a great turn out but the people that did come really did feel the spirit.  All of them said that they loved the paintings that we have. I've never really thought about how beautiful our paintings are. We had some down time and so we would have gospel conversations in between and it was awesome. The members here are awesome!! I really got to know a lot of them this week because of the open house. At the open house on Saturday President and Sister Hess, the Assistants, and President and Sister Jones (they were the last mission president) attended. It was really good to talk with all of them.

Yesterday was the Dedication and it was powerful. We had amazing talks! President Jones and Sister Jones spoke then our branch president and our District President.  President Hess talked and dedicated the building. It was one of the most spiritual Sundays I have ever had. After the dedicatory prayer almost everyone was crying and everyone was feeling the spirit.

Oh yeah I almost forgot!! So we got transfer calls this week and Elder Sugar is leaving and my new comp is Elder Lee and I am way excited, I don't know much about him now but I will soon. I get to pick him up tomorrow morning. Well I better get going. Love you all!! Thanks for the support and all that you do.


Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, August 13, 2012

Looking Forward to the Church Building Dedication

Hey everyone!

 I hope you are all doing Awesome!!!! So I had a really good week. We spent a lot of time this week inviting people to our open house that is happening this week and just letting the public know that we are here. A lot of people were excited to come and see what it looks like inside. Nothing to big happened this week. Man it sucks when I get to the computer.  It seems like I forget what happened this week.

On Saturday we had Zone Conference and it was awesome. President Hess is amazing, he knows so much. Oh we got new phones at Zone Conference and now we can text!  It is exciting and will be very convenient.

So this week we have the open house one Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Then the Dedication is on Sunday. President Hess is going to be doing the dedication and the last mission President is going to be there too. It should be packed. Well I got to go. Love you all.

Elder Robson Fletcher

Stressful Baptism

Hey everyone!!!!

Well this week was a really good week. This week I got to go on splits with my District leader and it went really well. I learned a lot. On Thursday we had an awesome lesson with one of our new investigators named David. He is awesome!!! He
said that he met with missionaries 15 years ago and he wanted to meet with them again. He is progressing faster than any other investigator I have ever had. We introduced the quit smoking program and he was way excited for it. He has tried to quit before but everything he has tried hasn't worked out for him and he was way excited for the program that we have. He is also doing an online class thing on that has activities as you read the Book of Mormon. We have a baptism date for him and his daughter for next month.

Well this Saturday we had our baptism for Raechel. It was kind of stressful! On Saturday for the baptism, Raechel forgot some things and she had her boyfriend (the one that was doing the baptism) to go get her stuff.  She lives half an hour away from the church. Spencer didn't get there until 2 min before the baptism was supposed to start. After the baptism was all done we forgot to pull the plug for the font.  We had to get a stick with a hanger on it to get the plug pulled. Yesterday for her Confirmation Raechel was ten minutes late for church and she just barely walked in for that. It was a little stressful but we made it. Well got to go. Love you all.


Elder Robson Fletcher
This is Rachel's Baptism
Lake Michigan

Amish Area