Monday, November 28, 2011

Two Thanksgiving Dinners :)

Hi Family and Friends!

How's it going?  I hope all of you had a great thanksgiving!  I had a good thanksgiving. We had 2 thanksgiving dinners and it was great! haha! J  We played a lot of different games and I got to know our ward mission leader’s family and the young men president’s family.  It wasn't like being home but it was the next best thing.  

I had triad offs or exchanges on Tuesday.  I got to stay in Bay City and lead the area. While we were door knocking, we ran into a member that moved from somewhere and didn't know where the church was so we gave her the address. We are going to go see her again tomorrow.  

We got a new bishop last Sunday and he is already changing things around for the best.  He gave a talk yesterday on the Atonement and it was amazing.  Love you all!

Love, Elder Fletcher

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!! 

Wow I can't believe that it is almost thanksgiving.  Time is starting to fly by now.  We are going to the ward mission leaders for dinner.  The ward is great here, we got a new bishop yesterday and it was kind of funny because he just moved in about a month ago.  So they read in their names and called him to be bishop the same day.  He is going to be great.  We were talking yesterday and he said he went to BYU-Idaho so we talked for a little bit about that. 

On Saturday we had zone conference and a member of the 70 was there and it was amazing!!  It was very motivating!!  Oh sorry guys my last e-mail wasn't very clear but we didn't stay over night at the camp out but we just went and spent a little time and gave a fireside to the young men.  I love you all!

Love, Elder Fletcher

Monday, November 14, 2011

First time sick as a missionary :(

Family and Friends,

Well another week has gone by.  So this week not much happened I was sick until Wednesday and then my comp got sick.  So we were sleeping a lot.  Brother Brissette is out of the Hospital again and doing well thank goodness. 

On Friday we got to go with the young men to their camp out.  It was a lot of fun.  It brought back memories from the good old days.  We taught the fireside and it was amazing.  We talked about missionary work and going on a mission.  Almost all of them want to go on a mission.  The young men in the ward are awesome. 

One of are investigators wants to get baptized but there are a lot of different things we need to get worked out before he can.  The other two are going through a hard time so they want to wait on baptism so we are trying to help them through that. 

My comp was sick yesterday so we weren't able to go to church so we were in are apt all day, it almost drove me crazy.  It was weird not to go to church but it’s good because we didn't get anyone else sick.  Well that is about it for this week
Love you all!

Love, Elder Fletcher

Monday, November 7, 2011

Baptismal Date and Hospital Visits

Family and Friends,

Hey sorry it is so late!!  We just got back from taking Brother Brissette to the Hospital.  I feel so bad for him.  This is the third time since I have been here.  He is the nicest old man.  He is like my grandpa out here.  

So this week was kind of slow but that is okay.  This week we have one investigator with a baptism date, it is December 3 and that is exciting.  Our other two investigators were engaged but they broke up and are having a hard time right now, but maybe it is for the best.  

The ward here is great!!!  The members here feed us almost every night and it is great to visit them and get to know them better.  So I made it through my first transfer and time is going by fast now.  I am really starting to enjoy being a missionary now and get used to everything now.  

The weather is still warm here thank goodness.  I am not looking forward to the snow.  We have a few cold days but it is not bad yet.  We have been going over to the hospital almost every day now because we have 3 people from the ward in the hospital after today.  I don't really like the hospital here.  I don't think they do very much.  They keep telling Brother Brissette that they don't know what is wrong with him.
Yesterday was stake conference and it was really good, we didn't have too many members from our ward but there were a lot of people there.  My mission president spoke at it and it was awesome!!  My mission president is awesome, he is really smart.  He was a professor at the U of U.  I don't remember what he taught.  That is about it for the week Love you all.

Love Elder Robson Fletcher