Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Four for Four

Hey everyone!!! 
Well I get to email today because of the holiday, but I don't have very much time.  Well this was probably one of my best weeks so far but i am really tired.  We found two new families to teach this week! 
Well, it was Elder Rawlin’s last week and “we rocked it tough like a mullet!! as Elder Rawlins would say.  Elder Rawlin said he started his mission by talking to an old lady that rejected him and now ended his mission by a younger lady rejecting him. 
We got transfer calls yesterday and my new comp is going to be Elder Blackhurst and he is awesome.  He is going to be a new district leader this transfer and has been out for a little over a year.  So that will be my fourth district leader comp, 4 for 4.  Well that is about it. Love you all!! 
Love, Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, May 21, 2012

Good Normal Solid Week

Good morning everyone and Happy Monday!!!! 
Hey thanks for all of your emails and prayers they really do help. Well this week wasn't too exciting; it was just a good normal solid week.  The only thing that was different was that we had a half mission p-day on Thursday.  It was way fun, we had to wake up at 5 a.m. to get there in time.  It was a good but long day.  It was kind of funny that is the first time that i haven't see President Hess in a suit. 
We had a way awesome lesson with Melody on Saturday and committed her to start living the word of wisdom.  It is really easy to teach the word of wisdom when they don't have a smoking problem or a drinking problem.  It makes it so much easier!!!!  Melody wants to be baptized but she hasn't picked a date yet.  She was kind of bummed that Elder Rawlins will be gone by then. Sunday was kind of another crazy day for Elder Rawlins because he had to play the piano for Sacrament meeting and primary.  I was in primary again 3rd hour and man I don't know how primary teachers do it!!!
This Friday will be transfer calls and I will be getting a new comp. Elder Rawlins will be going home in little over a week and is way excited.  We are going to have a good week and we are going to finish strong.  That is about it for the week.  Oh I almost forgot the library might be closed next Monday so I will probably email on Saturday.  Love and Miss you all!!!!
Love, Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Well it is Monday again and I get to email. I had a great Mother’s day!!!  I was able to talk to my family and that was really nice. Yesterday church was a little crazy; we went to church at 8 so my comp could practice the piano. He had to play for sacrament meeting and nobody got to church till 8:45. I got to give a talk on mothers for Mother’s day.  It went really well everyone told me that they liked my Mommy talk. Robyn our recent convert talked as well and she did a great job. She said that she was probably not the right person to talk on Mother’s day because she never grew up with her mom.  She grew up in foster care her whole childhood. She talked about how her heavenly parents helped her through everything and that God is a loving Heavenly Father.  My comp had to play the piano for primary as well. That was the first time that I was in primary since I turned twelve. Man being in primary is a lot of work! I was so tired after that. 

Last Tuesday I was in Sturgis with Elder Brock and he is way sweet. He has been out for about a month now and he is doing really well. We were doing what we call a Blitz, where all four of us were in the same area for the day. I had to sleep on the floor and that was not fun. Saturday we had a really good lesson with one of our top investigators.  She said she wants to be baptized but she doesn't want to set a date yet.  She is planning on it in the near future. I am way excited for Thursday because we are having a half mission p-day in Holland.  It is right along the coast of Lake Michigan.

That is about it for the week, Love you all and take care. Thanks for all that you do for me!!!!

Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, May 7, 2012

Another Great Day!

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone is happy and healthy!  This week was pretty good no complaints.  Last Tuesday I got to go to Sturgis and be with Elder Adamson.  He is way cool!!  I came out with him, but he is Spanish so I wasn't in the MTC with me.  It was kind of funny because most of the lessons were in Spanish. I had no Idea what was going on.  We did mostly finding that day because they just put in two new missionaries.  They don't have a very big teaching pool.  It was a lot of fun though. 

Wednesday we had Zone Conference and it was really really good.  One thing they talked about was how we need to use mormon.org more and we have to make our own profiles.  We are going to have an hour a week to explore it so we can be familiar with it.  My mission president is amazing!!!! 

On Saturday we had a great lesson with one of our newest investigators.  It was awesome.  She said that she has really enjoyed coming to our church.  She loves The Book of Mormon and how it has answered a lot of her questions that no one else has been able to answer for her.  It is crazy that she is already in 2 Nephi 10. 

Robyn is still doing great!!  We are going over there for dinner and have a lesson today.  Oh I got asked to talk on Mother’s Day and it is going to be sweet. The rest of the week was pretty normal which is good.  Love you all talk to you next week and thanks for all the support!!!

Love, Elder Robson Fletcher