Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas a day late!!!

            Merry Christmas one day late!  Haha.  I hope you all had a great Christmas.  Well I had a great Christmas.  Church was great.  I was in the ward choir for the first time ever which was fun.  We got Steve our investigator that is going to be baptized on Saturday to come to church and he loved it.  After that I got to talk to my awesome family. I love all of you and it was nice to hear all of their voices.  We went with a family that is in the ward and got to spend the rest of the day with them.  Christmas was a lot better than I thought it was going to be for sure.  Hey thank you everyone that sent me a package or a card.  I was so grateful and made me feel so loved.  

            So the rest of the week was great too.  Tuesday and Wednesday we had leadership training with the mission president and the AP's.  I learned so much and it was very motivational.  Half of the day on Wednesday we had a Christmas party, where we played different games and watched Joy to the World.  The second half of the day I went on splits with one of the zone leaders and got to stay at Central Michigan University.  It was kind of weird because school was out so it was very empty.  That was about it for the week.

Love you and miss you all!

Love Elder Fletcher!!!!!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Family and Friends,

Hey how's it going?  Another week has gone by and it is Monday again! Oh how I love Mondays now.  Merry Christmas everyone, well almost merry Christmas.  So this week was great and there was a lot that went on.  Steve is getting baptized on the 31st and went to church yesterday and the ward Christmas party. The ward Christmas party was awesome!  I think that was the best ward Christmas party I have ever been to.  The kids all dressed up and put on a little Nativity program for everyone and it was done very well.  I think this is the first time that I really have understood the true meaning of Christmas.  It has been nice not worrying about shopping.  After sharing the story of Christ's birth to so many people and serving so many different people.  

It was kind of funny we were door knocking an apartment complex and we were going to give the Joy to the World DVD to the apartment complex.  The lady at the door looked at us and starting yelling.  She said that we couldn’t be there and wanted to have us escorted to our car making sure that we left haha.  On Friday we almost got kicked out of another one because some guy saw us and was headed for the management office.  Before the management could come to talk to us we left.  Well that is all the exciting news this week

Love you all and have a Merry Christmas!

Love Elder Fletcher 

P.S. Mom I will be calling you when you get out of church, can't wait to talk to you!!!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

White Christmas with Baptisms

Family and Friends,

Hi how is everyone doing?  So we had transfer calls were on Friday and it was kind of shocking, both of us are staying.  We will be together for 4 and 1/2 months.  The only thing that did change was that my comp was made a district leader and now we will have a car full time.  I was excited about that, so I don't have to walk in the snow for at least 6 weeks!  

We got a crazy call this week.  Our bishop called and told us that he got a call saying that a guy in our area wanted to be baptized.  At first we thought it was a prank because we have been getting prank calls about that.  We called him and he said that one of his best friends wasn’t a member and he talked to the missionaries from the Detroit mission and he wanted to be baptized.  We went and met with him Thursday and Friday and taught him about the restoration.  He said that was the best news he has ever heard.  He has a baptism date for the 31st of December so we could have two baptisms that day. That is about all of my exciting news this week. 

Love you all.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Holidays

Hey what's up?  

So this week was great and crazy.  Tuesday and Wednesday we got about 6 in of snow and all the schools here had a snow day.  I thought that was cool.  Wednesday morning we had to walk to a member’s house to get a ride to district meeting because his phone was down.  I don't think I have walked that far in the snow before, but it was kind of fun.

My comp was funny because he is from Mississippi and he hadn't seen snow like that before.   All of the snow is melted now but expecting more soon.  Time has gone by so fast I cant' believe that I have been gone 3 months and Christmas is just around the corner.  Transfers are going to be next Tuesday so I might get transferred somewhere else but I hope not.  If so I will just have to go with it.  We had to push our investigators baptism to the 31st and he is way excited.  We finally got him a ride to church yesterday and he was excited to be there.  Yesterday we got to go to the church and watch the Christmas devotional and I really enjoyed.  I will let you know next week if I am staying or going somewhere else in Michigan. Love you all!

 Love, Elder Fletcher