Monday, June 25, 2012

Three Missionaries, Two Areas, One Purpose

Happy Monday everyone I hope everyone is well and happy. Well this week was pretty good.  I had zone leader splits again. Elder Brock was with me and it was pretty fun. We had a lesson with an investigator named Liz and she is awesome.  She really wants to get baptized but can't right now because of her parents.  So she is waiting until she turns 18 in February.  She already has the day she wants to be baptized. 
The weather here has really started to get hot and I am not a fan.  It got up to 98 this week and with the humidity they said it felt like it was 110.  Yeah this kind of hot I have not experienced before.
Most of the week we were in Coldwater and we are in Sturgis right now.  It has been weird going to places with 3 missionaries.  It was crazy we went to the Sturgis ward yesterday and it is the first time on my mission I have been to church that was a normal size building.  The chapel had pews in it!!!  It almost felt like I was home except there still were only 70 people there.  Well that is about it love you all and talk to you guys later.
Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, June 18, 2012

Crazy Week with Highs and Lows

Hey everyone how is it going!!!!

Well this was probably one of the craziest weeks on my mission!!!!!! I will start with the fun part. This week has been pretty fun. On Thursday we were at a dinner appointment with a family that is awesome. They have 7 adopted kids between the ages of 10 to 3. They have a swimming pool in their yard and they were playing in it. When we were about to leave, some of them got us wet and it broke out into a water fight. It was so much fun!!!! Now I can say I have almost done EVERYTHING in my church clothes ha-ha. The family that we had the water fight with is a less active family that we have been working with since I have been in Coldwater. They told us that two of the boys are going to get baptized.  We are going to help the father quite smoking so he can baptize them himself.

Well this is the crazy part of my week. So yesterday we get a call about 4 from Elder Adamson, the other missionary from our district.  He said, “I am in Detroit and I am going home, I bought a plane ticket and there is nothing you can say to stop me.” So we call back and Elder Brock answers the phone.  He is by himself. We talk to President Hess and he told us to go get Elder Brock.  President also said that we are going to be staying together for the rest of the transfer. So we took a 2 hour drive to Detroit to go pick Elder Brock up and take him back to his area to pack and then go back to Coldwater. We now are going to be covering Sturgis and Coldwater for the next 3 weeks and are going to finishing up training Elder Brock.

I have splits with the Zone leaders again tonight and tomorrow so hopefully that goes well.

Love you all!


Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fast for Coach Norton

Hey everyone,
 I would just like you ask everyone to fast for Scott Norton, my old wrestling coach as he is battling brain cancer.  I would like to fast for him Sunday the 24th.  Love you all.  I have been really worried about him. 
Elder Fletcher

Amazing Temple Experience

Hey everyone Happy Monday!!!!! 
This week was a little different. Tuesday I went on splits with Elder Brock.  We had a really good time and got a lot done.  We got to teach one of our investigators that I haven't been able to see for over a month.  It went very well.  We have been going kind of slow with him because he has met with a lot of different missionaries in the past.  We have been trying to teach a lot out of The Book of Mormon to show him how we can learn more from its teachings.  We talked about the atonement and read out of Alma 7 about how we need faith in Jesus Christ.  We read Alma 32 as well. We talked about how you can’t cast out your faith because of unbelief.  We are making progress, slowly but surely. 
Wednesday we went to Grand Rapids for a training.  It was pretty good.  It is still hard for me to sit that long and pay attention.  Thursday my comp was sick with the flu which was not fun.  I didn't get it thank goodness. 
It was way AWESEOME on Saturday because we got to go to the temple. Elder Blackhurst taught a man named Sherman a year ago and he went through for his first time.  Sherman wanted Elder Blackhurst to be his escort. I was lucky enough to be serving with Elder Blackhurst at the time he got to be his old investigators escort.  It was crazy for Sherman. It was a 6 hour drive for him to get to the temple. For us it was only a 2 hour drive.  I can't believe how blessed we are to live so close to the temple in Utah.  It really is a big sacrifice for the members here to go to the temple. 
Well that was pretty much it. Love you all and talk to you next week!!! 
Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, June 4, 2012

New Companion

Family and Friends,
Well another week has gone by and I am doing really well.  I got my new comp Elder Blackhust and he is way cool! I like him a lot.  He is from Pleasant Grove Utah but grew up most of his life in Texas and doesn't like Utah too much.  It is pretty funny.  Not too much has happened in the last week.  About half of our appointments fell through so that kind of sucked but that is okay.  It happens.
We picked up a new investigator this week and he is a pretty funny old guy.  We were talking to him about Joseph Smith seeing God and Christ and we asked him what he thought about that experience.  He said he believed it. 
Oh we went to a less active and were talking to him.  He was really crazy; talking about how bad our country is and that China has bought four different states.  It just made me laugh. Elder Blackhust asked me if he is always like that and I told him that was the first I have ever seen that.  We weren't able to meet with Melody this week but she was at church.  She said that she still wants to be baptized.  Well that is about it.  Love you all and talk to you next week. 
Love, Elder Robson Fletcher