Monday, January 28, 2013

Awesome Week

Dear Family and Friends,

Well I survived a cold week and now it has gotten a lot warmer!!!!!  It got down to 5 degrees for the high.  I know it has been colder in Utah but I am still a wuss when it comes to the cold. I am way excited when I can send all of my winter stuff home!!!   

This week went by really fast.  I got to go down to the Jonesville area for two days. Two day splits are the best and I didn't have any worries because it wasn't my area.  I didn't have to plan anything. 

This week I got to have interviews with my mission president and it was awesome!!!  It always feels like we are in there for 5 min and it always turns out to be 30min. 

The last couple of days my comp Elder Eggertsen has been pretty sick so we haven't been able to do much and I haven't gotten sick yet.  I hope I don't because it has been pretty rough on him. One of the days this week he slept till 2pm and we didn't even leave the apartment. It was a pretty long day. 

Well this week is transfer calls so I think I am getting transferred so I will let you know next week.   

So the first picture is Gerald and I sleeping in our chairs.  Gerald is Elder Welch's stuff teddy bear that he just got. The third one is a puzzle that I put together that I was so proud of because it took me 2 weeks to put together a 300 piece puzzle. I decided that I am not much of a puzzle person. Well I got to go love and miss you all!!!! 

Elder Robson Fletcher    

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Power of the Restoration and the Blessings of the Priesthood

Dear Family and Friends 

Sorry for the late email this week we went bowling with some of the members here earlier today which was way fun.  I would like to say that I won but I didn't ha-ha but I have been getting better.  So this week was great.  On Tuesday night we got to spend the night with the other missionaries in our district.  We had a meeting early in the morning so we got to spend the night.  Sleep overs are the best but you always don't sleep as well.  

On Wednesday we went over to Andrews again and had a really good lesson.  We watched the Restoration with him and he said he felt as Joseph Smith did.  He is trying to find the right church as well.  He told us like ten times how much he loves Mormons and says how nice we are.  He is so awesome.  He still hasn't been able to make it to church but he should come this week.  

This week a lot of people have been sick and we had the opportunity to give a lot of blessing.  Everyone was so thankful for it and I never realized how much of a blessing it was to have the priesthood in your home.

I was way excited we got a new branch mission leader here; we have been without one for 12 weeks.  It is one of my favorite members to so I will now have an excuse to go over to his house more now.  Well love you all!!!  Till next week!

Love Elder Robson Fletcher 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Another Great Week To Be A Missionary

Dear Family and Friends!!!  
Well we had another great week here in Charlotte and we are having fun.  It was awesome! We started teaching a guy named Andrew that has cerebral palsy.  He is good friends with a member that also has cerebral palsy.  Andrew just moved in to the same apt complex where the member lives. The member had his home teachers over and Andrew stayed and listened and at the end wanted the missionary lessons. We went over on Tuesday and had a great lesson and he has been so prepared it is a real testimony builder!!  We committed him to be baptized and before we could finish he said yes and wants to be baptized next month!!! It was great that we had his friend at the lesson.  
Let see oh it was awesome we got to go to Grand Rapids on Thursday because a professor from BYU was in town teaching at another college here. Our mission president asked him if he would come and teach us. His name is Brother Robert Millett and apparently he has written a lot of LDS books.  The two things that I probably learned the most that he talked about was the Great Apostasy and Grace.  That was the best explanation of the Great Apostasy I have ever heard before; he had dates and showed us which church broke off to the next reform church. He really opened my eyes about grace because I really didn't understand it at all before.  He asked us the question about when you are at Judgment and we get asked why I should let you into the heaven what would you answer.  It is because our savior Jesus Christ’s grace that we can before forgiven of our sins and getting what we don't deserve because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  All he asks of us is to follow him and Repent.   
The weather has been really crazy here and not crazy like it is at home right now.  It has been such a blessing because we haven't had a car this week and the weather has been real mild.  On Saturday the temp was 58 degrees; it was great to be out in.  I was wearing a short sleeve shirt and it was fine. But it was too good to last so of courses it got cold again and snowed last night but it did make me eager for spring ha-ha.  Well Love you all and wish the best for you all.  
Elder Robson Fletcher 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy Holidays

Dear Family and Friends,

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!  Well the world didn't come to an end and here is 2013!!!!!!!!!!!  I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas.  I thank everyone for the gifts that they sent me.  They were all great.  Well a lot has happened in the last two weeks because we didn't get to email last week because of the holidays.

On the 21st of December, Celeste was baptized.  It was the best baptism and the spirit was so strong.  The best part of the baptism was when Sister Smith was giving the talk on baptism.  She had Allen, Celeste's son that is on a mission write a letter to Celeste to share with her at the baptism.  Sister Smith had Allen's best friend read it in his place.  I got to give the talk on the Holy Ghost and it went very well.  The other awsome part was there was about 15 other missionaries there that had taught her or was companions with someone that had taught her.

We had  great Sunday yesterday.  We both got to give talks in church.  Everything was focused on missionary work and it got the branch pumped.  I got to give a talk about the WHY of missionary work and Elder Eggertsen talked about the HOW of missionary work.

Yesterday we had one our our less active families come to church for the first time and another inactive that hasn't been to church in 8 years came for the the first time yesterday.  I was so excited!!!!!!!!!  Well I love you all and talk to you next week.

Elder Robson Fletcher