Monday, March 26, 2012

New Area News

Family and Friends,

Well another week has gone by.  Happy Monday everyone!!!  This week was pretty good for the most part.  We had splits again with our district and I stayed in Coldwater this time. It was really good.  I almost have the streets down and how to get to places now.  Actually it is really easy. There are only 4 main streets and that is about it.  I already know most of the active members and trying to get to know the less actives.

Oh I have some really good news.  One of the investigators is getting baptized on the 25th of April.  Two of her kids and husband are thinking about it.  We don't have too many investigators right now but the ones we do have are solid.  We have been doing a lot of finding right now and have picked up some potential investigators.  Finding in Coldwater is so much better.  People here are so much nicer it is crazy.  One of our investigators has been pretty sick.  He has been in the hospital twice since I have been here.  The hospital is the only place I have seen him. 

The weather has been crazy hot.  On Wednesday it got up to 87, it is almost like summer here.  I am not looking forward to the summer.  I am going to melt.  Nothing else is new with me.  Love you all and love hearing from everyone!! 

Love Elder Robson Fletcher

Monday, March 12, 2012

Coldwater, Michigan

Happy Monday everyone!!!! 
Well I am in Coldwater, Michigan now.  It is kind of a different place than I have ever been to before.  It is tinny ha-ha.  It is mostly farming and just country out here.  It is also swampy in places.  The ward is awesome!!!  Everyone is so friendly and so funny.  The ward is a little smaller but that is okay.  
My new comp is Elder Rawlins and he has three more months left and is excited to go home.  He is one of the smartest people I have met it is crazy!!!  He is also a Scientist and is going to go into plasma physic.  We do have some awesome investigators here and one wants to get baptized but wants to wait for her husband.  Coldwater is like the rest of the areas in Michigan.  A lot of our job is to work with the less active members.  I don't really know what to say because I don't really know too many people or the area at all.  I love you all and will send a better e-mail next week when I know more. Love you and miss you. 
Elder Robson Fletcher

Sorry for the side view.  It wouldn't rotate!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Transfer Day!

Hey everyone, 
How are you doing? Thank you everyone for your letters.  It is always so nice to hear from all of you!! Well this week was good.  Nothing crazy happened this week which is always good.  I don't know if I told you or not but we have an awesome investigator right now. Her name is Katie.  Elder Ginn and I door knocked in to her back in December or January. She said that she was interested but every time we set up appointment she wouldn't be there or she would cancel. We just thought she wasn't interested but just trying to be nice. In February we had a mission fast to find families.  On Monday I remembered wanting to teach her back in December so we went over on Tuesday to see her.  We have been meeting with her regularly now and she came to church for the first time yesterday, which is awesome!!!! She wants to be baptized and next lesson Elder Kohler is going to set a date with her. 
Oh I almost forgot. I am getting transferred and I am moving tomorrow to Coldwater, Michigan. I am so excited because Coldwater is where Elder Kohler my current comp trained Elder Ginn my trainer and last comp. Coldwater is the place where I have probably heard the most about beside the areas in my district. It is kind of crazy. I was hoping to be with Elder Kohler for one more transfer because it is his last transfer but that is okay.  I am going to have another great comp. My new comp is Elder Rawlins and he has two more transfers left. I might be his last comp but I don't know.

I have been out for 6 months now.  It is crazy to think.  I actually burnt one of my ties last week, which was pretty fun. I didn't tell you guys this last week but Steve, the one that I help get baptized said that he didn't want to come to church anymore for several reason.  The RLDS missionaries called him and shook up his testimony.  He decided that he was going to go to their church instead.  On Saturday we went over there because I wanted to go see him before I left and we were there for an hour and half. He is not ready yet to come back to church but there is a lot of hope for him. He said that the missionaries and home teachers could come over so we will have to see what happens with time.

I am sad to leave Bay City.  There are a lot of people I am going to miss. I am going to miss the young men for sure. I have been telling some of the members that I didn't just gain some missionary skills here but I gained some weight too because they fed me so well.  Ha-ha. Well that is it.   Love you all and hope to hear from you soon.   

 Elder Robson Fletcher
28 W State #23
Coldwater, MI 49036