Monday, December 17, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!  
So I won't be able to email next Monday because it will be Christmas Eve so I thought I would tell you all today.  Things are going great here and things are going forth.  We are having a baptism this Friday and I am so excited.  It is Celeste, the one I talked about a couple of weeks ago that was a miracle. There are going to be a lot of different missionaries there that has taught her over the years.  There are going to be 12 missionaries counting there comps.  It is going to be a big party ha-ha.  I get to talk on the Holy Ghost; this will be my first time talking on the Holy Ghost at a baptism.  I have talked on Baptism but not the Holy Ghost.
We had another Miracle this week.  We went to a return apt that we had, and the guy has had a way rough and interesting life so he is a way humble guy and wants to be baptized and really likes us and our message.  We set a baptism date for him for February.   Well not too much else happened this week.  Love you all and hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!  
 Elder Robson Fletcher   

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week of Parties

Dear Family and Friends 
  Well any ways happy Monday everyone, this past week was great.  It was full of Christmas Parties!!!!! On Tuesday and Wednesday we got to go to Grand Rapids for training and a Christmas party. It was way fun.  I realized at the Christmas party that it was my last Christmas party and Christmas as a missionary. I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner but go figure, it is me haha.  

Then on Friday we had our branch Christmas party.  All of last week we focused on getting our investigators and as many Less Actives there as we could and I would say that it was a success.  Not too much has happened this week besides parties.
Oh yesterday I got to teach priesthood again which it went pretty well. I am sending pictures of the Christmas parties. Oh and one more thing we had a Birthday party for my comp and one of our investigators and recent converts; all three of their Birthdays were on Thursday.  Like I said it was just a party week haha. Love you all!

Love Elder Robson Fletcher  

(Elder Fletcher sent pictures, but I can't them to download.  I will put them up next week!)    

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Spirit Works Miracles

Dear Family and Friends!!!

Well we had another great week here in Charlotte.  We had an amazing experience this past week. We have investigator named Celeste that has a son on a mission in Guatemala.  He is the only member in his family. The missionaries have been teaching her for about two years now. So when I first got here she didn't even believe in God.  She just thought god was love. But she believed in Jesus Christ whole heartedly. The first lesson with her we focused on how Christ prayed in the New Testament.  Well I will just tell you that it really didn't work.

So the next week Elder Adams and I were weekly planning and trying to decide what we could teach her next.  My comp said that we should drop her because she wasn't going anywhere. We decided to pray specifically what we should teach her. We got the answer to focus on Joseph Smith. The next lesson we focused of Joseph Smith. During the lesson she had to leave to help her daughters with some Finnish customs.  Her two girls were going to some convention the next day. At the end of the lesson she told us that she probably would never get baptized. So I didn't think the lesson went to well but I decided to ask her to read the Joseph Smith History and then I told her that I had the movie Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration that my aunt gave me and I would let her borrow it. Well to make really long story shorter. She said that she got her answer while reading Joseph Smith History.  She knew that he was and is a Prophet, that he did see God and that there is a God.

On Wednesday she asked when she can be baptized. She is now going to get baptized on December 21st.  The better news is that her son that is on a mission is going to be getting married next December 28th 2013.  She will be a member for a year and can go to the temple with them if she is ready. It has been an answer to so many prayers here. It has been amazing how the spirit works because he turned what we thought a bad lesson was into what Celeste needed so that she desired to be baptized. Well I love you all and will talk to you next week. Hope you all are having a great Christmas season.


 Elder Robson Fletcher